Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spring Sing!

At Cameron's preschool they put on a little singing program at the end of the school year that coincides with the older kids "graduating" from preschool. I think that I was more excited for this than Cameron was...I ended up making "Cameron's Special Day" to go along with the Spring Sing. He hasn't been getting too much individualized attention lately, so I thought this would be a good chance. My parents, Rian's mom, brother and sister-in-law came and then we went to a BIG SPECIAL DINNER at Olive Garden afterwards. Cameron loved every minute of it!
Cameron and Mommy before the Spring Sing.
What Cameron did during most of the Spring Sing. He stood there and gave dirty looks to people or made funny faces with his eyes. This was before he spotted me.
After he spotted me, he got into Humpty Dumpty for a few verses.

Cameron's best friend at school, Sophia! They love each other.
Our special guy!

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