Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Must Admit

I was addicted to Farmville. Bad. I know it sounds weird, lame, stupid, whatever you want to think. But, I love playing it. I don't have to think about anything else.

However, I was really addicted. There were points on certain weekends that I made Rian and Cameron wait to go places or make them come home early so that I could farm. So I decided to take off the entire month of April from farming to see if I could do it. I did.

Now, I think that I am going to quit for good. During my month off, I finished crocheting two blankets, read a few books, and had more time for Rian.

Now, I just need to make myself quit getting the updates. I am still working up some courage for that.


Amanda said...

That is why I never started playing! I know lots of people who are/were addicted to that darn game.

J, B, O, J & Z said...

Nice work. I'm debating quitting too. I got rid of my villa and have a lot of crops mastered but I have to say, it does keep me busy at work when it is super slow. I don't do it much at home.

MamaG said...

You have inspired me. I knew I would have to give it up as soon as this next baby is born but I am going to do it sooner. Good for you!

Jenn said...

Sometimes I REALLY want to play again and train a dog, etc. But, the benefits of not playing are outweighing the amount of money and xp points I made! I think that I am going to hide the updates sometime tomorrow.